Status of my web page
My web page was static and I wanted to change my web app from statically to dynamically because, in the last year, I built a lot of projects for my customers and so I had a lot of projects to show my web page.
In the beginning, React and netlfy were enough.
Please review my database on Airtable. Feel free to copy base for your custom database
How to add a new project to the Airtable database
1. Go to Airtable | Create apps that perfectly fit your team’s needs
2. Click on Sign up for free
3. Click on Sign in
If you have no account please keep going sign-up page.
4. Type Email address
5. Type password
6. Click on Sign in
7. Personal-web-page project is my database
8. Click on personal-web-page
9. Type “Demo project” in the title
10. Type in project description
11. Click on Drop files here
12. Select new cover image from file upload menu
13. Click on Upload
14. Click on Image for source code
15. Right-click on the image and copy
16. Click on Close attachment viewer
17. Click on highlight CUrl and paste it into input
20. Type Source link of your projecet
21. Type Project link
22. Click on background_color
That’s awesome for the category and filter component because when I want to change background just go there and change the background_image value
23. Type “#FBF7F4”
Or whatever you want to type with “#”
24. Click on platform_name
I am working on different platforms for my customers and also when I show my project on the website, this function helps me filter.
25. Click on Custom Development
That’s it 🚀🚀🚀 Project added on my website
In my next post, I will show you how I integrated Airtable with my react app. Please follow me for the next awesome project.
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