Revolutionize Your React Development with Codux: The New Visual IDE -1
In this post, I will explain codux visual ide. And next step will be how to create a personal website with codux.
What is Codux
Unleash the Power of Visual Development with Codux — The Revolutionary React IDE. Experience seamless editing, with instant updates, both on the visual editor and in code, for lightning-fast component creation and modification.
How to create a test app
First, You need to download it on your desktop
Click the new project button on the top right
Write a project name and click the create button
Click the run install and close the popup
Codux simplifies the process of running scripts, making it accessible to all users. The Scripts panel, located on the left side of the screen, allows users to run scripts on demand as needed. To set this up, simply configure the scripts configuration key. This key grants users access to scripts within the Codux UI. To run a script, the user simply selects the script from the configured options and the UI will display a dialog to execute it.
Your app is ready for development!
You can see your component on boards and can create a new component if you click the button on the top right. And If you want to see elements in the app component, just click the app section on the boards.
There are 3 sections for the development react app
1- Elements list and create new element area
2- Main editor to see your component
3- Element settings section
If you need to add a new element just drag and drop the elements area
You can set your class name
I created a class for my primary button and I can use this class for other components very easily.
Set your styles both visually and with code
If you want to use code
Yes you can use the code section and You can see results directly on the visual side
You can see all code on the files tab
And also you can change the code if you want to code. And then you can see results when going back to the visual editor side.
Next Step
I will test a create personal website (landing page) react app with codux. And then I will publish the results to you on my side.
Thank you so much,